Sunday, October 22, 2006


Today Maddox and I were sitting on the floor eating chips and stealing a few minutes together. Maddox happened to be sitting in a pile of chips eating, playing, and smashing them. Graysen came running into the room and says "UGH Maddox chips EVERYWHERE" Then Graysen grabs the biggest chip in the pile eats it and laughs. Maddox then laughs so hard that he fell over before I knew it they were both in a mixed ball of
Graysen and Maddox laughing screaming!

I was amazed that for a few moments in time two completely different people had such a strong connection. The connection of being siblings and being increditably comfortable with each other.

I have dreams for them...Dreams that they are best friends. That they included each other in their lives. That they call each other on the phone and miss each other. Bailey tells
me not hold my breath and they may not be as close as we hope when they are adults. That breaks my heart. To think
of a time they won't be bathing together. Riding the rocking horse together. That they won't share that connection and they will just be two adult men living life: one in his world the other in theirs.

Who knows where my children's paths may take them but I
hope that they always have each other.

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