Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Proud of ME

So thinking about my cousin made me want to scream from the mountain tops that I am proud of myself. I am proud of the person I am today. I am proud that I have dealt with some shit in my life and I have done some shit. Yes!!! I am proud of the shit I have done good and gulp bad. I am thankful that I have had wonderful friends during this journey of my life. Funny how God (or whoever is watching us live these lives) gave me family but that family wasn't the best but he has given me great friends. Friends that I speak to today and friends that I no longer do but think about daily. It is funny how when you think that life is hopeless and your just drowning in a sea someone comes and saves you. That is what my husband was. He saved me from a life of not knowing, from a life of disaster, from drowning in that sea where I had been screaming for someone. I had been screaming for so many years too! He heard me!!! I love him more then I could ever tell him. I love him more then I love myself or anyone that I have ever said those words too.....

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