Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Yeah I am going there.....

Tonight I turned on the TV tonight and I got the last few minutes of some tabloid show and of coarse they were talking about Britney Spears......It is her and some guy walking into some Deli in LA and she is walking behind this guy and following him through out the deli like a lost little girl. At one point there is a mother and a daughter in front of them and for a split second Britney stares at this mother-daughter hugging and talking and just looks and gives this smile but it isn't a happy smile it is a sad smile....For that split second it is heart breaking to me...Is she thinking about her own lost mother daughter embraces cause she was the one responsible for feeding her family? Or was she thinking about her own little babies and how she is in some deli with some guy with 50 lights flashing at her all wanting her to be crazy so they can sell some picture.... Everyday you hear Joe Bob and Sally Sue make comments about how she is throwing her life away and it will end in a tragedy-Fire and Brimstone! It makes me sad...Sad for someone who I don't even know and who I will never know. But we are both woman..both mothers to two little boys... both in our twenties....Makes me want to pray for her as lame as that it.

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