Thursday, January 10, 2008

Even when I am a grown up!

Today Graysen and I were sitting on the couch before bed and he told me that he wanted to cuddle with me so I grabbed him and we had a cuddle moment. Graysen looked up at me and said "even when he is a grown up he is going to cuddle with me every day-forever". The look in his eye was beautiful his little eyes were sparkling and he had this smile that spread across his face. I told him that I will always cuddle with him no matter if he is an old man with a wife and kids; anytime he needs it I will be there. His answer was: OK good! (With a firm head shake)
Moments like this I wish I could bottle to save for later....It goes by too fast. Four years have already gone by and I can't remember everything...In another four will I remember this conversation?

1 comment:

MommyMeglet said...

That's so cute! I love all the cuddles at this age... Hmmm... I wonder how Graysen's wife will someday react when he crawls onto your lap to get his Mommy cuddle time. LOL
Oh my gosh- Imagine if Bailey did that with his mom. ROFL- seriously, that mental image is making my day!