Thursday, November 16, 2006

Snake Maker

Today the boys and I were sitting at the kitchen table playing play-doh and Graysen tells me that I am the best play-doh snake maker. The look on his face when he told me that was priceless...He was proud of me, proud that in his eyes I was the best snake maker! I said Thank you and that he was good at making them too.

I am lucky to be a mother. Lucky that my children are happy and healthy. Lucky that when they look at me I am the greatest in their eyes. No matter what I have done or what I haven't done doesn't matter to them I am just their mother. They see me as perfect. I never want them to know the truth....That I am just winging this! LOL I never knew how amazing it would be to be a mother. How connected to these children I would be....How I an love them so much no matter what! How much they are both wanted.

That is something with me being wanted........Growing up there were times when I felt I was a bother and that I never really had a place. That hurt....It hurt being a child in that situation and now being an adult I am still hurt by it. The loneliness and the shame I had growing up is still with me as an adult. It shapes everything I a mother, wife, friend....everything!

1 comment:

MommyMeglet said...

Isn't it the greatest to be adored???!!!!!