Friday, August 10, 2007

Be kind to your teeth and they will be kind to you!

A few months ago Bailey chipped a side back tooth and of coarse did nothing about it. He went to the dentist a few weeks ago and she said that he would need a root canal. Of coarse he did nothing. So Saturday morning he woke up with his face 2 times the normal size and our dentist is closed on the weekend. His face seemed to go up and down in size, I was pretty worried and wanted him to go to the ER. Monday we went in to the dentists and they drained it, said it was a tooth abscess, and that he need to be on antibiotics. The following Monday he had the appointment for the root canal. It seemed to get a little better but then Tuesday night the left side of his face was 5 times the normal size and his eye was closing shut. He looked like the hunchback of Norte Dame! LOL! Straight to the ER where they gave him a heavy does of an antibiotic and pain reliever shot. Tuesday morning back into the office where he had to be seen by a dental surgeon and have the tooth removed by the root! Now he is the toothless wonder.
This picture is after the draining and before the real swelling!

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