Big Exciting News here on Elm Street!
Today this little brown bird that was feeding on the bird feeder outside came flying in the house via the kitchen window! I was wiping away pee stains on the toilet when I heard tweeting and thought man that sounds loud! I came out of the bathroom to see this little bird sitting on the TV looking around.
Now in a not so proud moment I I yelled F**K which then made the boys come running to tell me that was a bad word. I shhhh them and show them the bird..Maddox screams BIRDIEEEEEEEEE and wants it to sit on his finger. I walk slowly towards the screen door hoping to open it. The bird sees me and flies straight towards me slamming into the window before I could open it. I jump back into the hall as the bird flys around the dining room slamming into the screen door. I open the front door and beg the bird to PLEASE FLY TOWARDS THE DOOR. Now the boys are jumping up and down screaming "towards the door Ms Bird." Graysen grabs his angel bear and show the bird how to flap his wings.....I bravely try to make my second attempt to open the screen door. The bird is hyper tweeting and you can tell that she is FREAKED OUT.
Just then another bird just like her comes flying and sits on the railing and is tweeting back at the bird stuck inside. I beg out loud to the outside bird that it doesn't come flying in! Then the most amazing thing happens the inside bird flys close to the screen window sees and hears the outside bird and is directed towards the kitchen window and back to freedom!!! The boys and I jump up and down screaming you made it you made you made it! Then both birds sit on the feeder and eating away.
1 comment:
Becca, where are you? Are you OK?
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