As a family we have been talking a lot about the upcoming election. Graysen has really gotten into a mild watered down US History. It has been fun to talk about history with him. It is a personal favorite of mine! He really likes learning about the presidents and he has decided that he is going to be "President Forever" I haven't had the heart to tell him that is a dictator.
Today we went to vote for our state's primary when we got to the polling place Graysen proudly tells everyone and anyone (repeatedly) who will listen that: George Washington was the first president and he is dead. Each time he said dead he said it in a funnier, deeper, gruffer, more monstrous voice. Which made people stop and stare at us. Some laughed and some gave that gasp look which means they are totally appalled. I don't' know why people have such a hard time hearing children talk about death. I was proud-Washington was the first president and he is dead....Now if I can just get Maddox to say George Bush is a Warlord. ;)
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