My husband has this sick obsession with Mark Walberg, I still like to refer to him as Marky Mark and every time I do my great and wonderful husband reminds me that he doesn't like to be called Marky Mark anymore. :)
To me each and every MM movie is the same....Just a normal guy who can do one thing above all men and is a god but he is still just a normal guy! Last night we watched a movie that is one of my husband's favs (he won't admit it but before we started watching he told me what a great movie this one was) While watching MM movies we have a routine I laugh and mock everything about the movie and Bailey goes on in great detail how each and everything MM does IS humanly possible. We laugh, watch, and cuddle....These are some of my favorite times. Being with my husband enjoying something he enjoys. The simplicity of our life. Even laughing and mocking MM is one of my favorite things....
And while I will never tell my husband this I kind of like Mark Walberg too!
To me each and every MM movie is the same....Just a normal guy who can do one thing above all men and is a god but he is still just a normal guy! Last night we watched a movie that is one of my husband's favs (he won't admit it but before we started watching he told me what a great movie this one was) While watching MM movies we have a routine I laugh and mock everything about the movie and Bailey goes on in great detail how each and everything MM does IS humanly possible. We laugh, watch, and cuddle....These are some of my favorite times. Being with my husband enjoying something he enjoys. The simplicity of our life. Even laughing and mocking MM is one of my favorite things....
And while I will never tell my husband this I kind of like Mark Walberg too!