Friday, December 21, 2007
Happy Winter!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Am I hanging up my coat?
I even love the way it sounds DeeeSemBurrr!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Graysen and Sara
Graysen has made his first friend that I had no part in helping him make ( by either my friends children or playgroups). We met her at the park a few weeks ago and they played the entire day together! So we now have an on going date with her each Wednesday. It is funny; she is this wild outgoing little bug of a girl. He runs around the park like she owns the place dictating other children to play what she wants. This one boys was wearing a baseball hat and she goes up to him and says "I'm wearing this now" and placed it on her head! She turns four on the first on January, Graysen turns four on the eighth They play everything from slides to this funny version of pretend house. Which is a crack up. Even Maddox likes her- I think it was cause taught him how to semi climb a tree. :)
I love that he is finding his own place in this world!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
It's my birthday and I cry if I want too!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Put on your party bumps!
Tonight at dinner Bay and I were talking about it and how weird it was to say come on over here I am play with us, share a straw with us, rub up against us. Hmmmm...I didn't second guess myself in the moment but now I am- I don't know why...
Anyway-I am reading this book, Kids Are Worth It! And IF I don't go further then the first chapter it was worth it. I learned do much from it. I have pages of notes, Bay and I read it out loud and AGREED on what she was saying. Which is saying much cause he HATES parenting books and finds most of them to be BS.
When I read these types of books it makes me WISH I had a mom to go to and shoot off parenting ideas, my dad and Alisha don't count. My dad can't even tie his shoes. I wouldn't take his advice on what tee shirt to wear let alone how to raise my kids. And Alisha-NO COMMENT! I try to think how would of my mom or grandma handled this and while I wasn't raised in an AP manner, I was loved by my grandma if nothing else, and she always handled everything with love. That is my goal- LOVE and (thank you Barbara Coloroso) Dignity! :)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Little Red Hen!
Yesterday we were at Twin Pines and Graysen came up to me and told me his back itched. I scratched his back and then a few minutes later he came back to me crying about his back itching. I take off his shirt and from neck to butt there was what I thought were hives. We left and took an oatmeal bath. Woke up today and the hives were still there. Slowly throughout the day they started to creep all over his body. We go to the Drs and they say CHICKEN POXS!
I am happy, I knew we were going to get them sooner or later...I am just not looking forward to Drama King-Maddox being knee deep in spots!
This is You Life
When I was little I used to play a lot of pretend. One of my favorite pretend games that I would get lost into was: I would pretend that I was an alien on a mission to this planet to learn about humans. I could talk to my planet through this telephone located on the scar on my right wrist. I would play this for hours, watching people and being lost in my own mind. I was comforted by the thought that I was an alien and had this alien family waiting for me back home.
The skin on the under part of my wrist is thin and you can see and feel every vein. The sides and the top are speckled and the speckled part is this perfect band across my wrist.
As I have gotten older it is harder to tell it is there, which makes me sad cause I love that piece of me. I find it beautiful and reminds me of my childhood perfectly. Fragile-Damaged-Special-Unique. Everything that I am.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Look MOM!!
Graysen is really starting to become an artist. He is starting to draw people with eyes and legs! They are so cute. The other night I was sitting on the couch with Maddox and Graysen and Bailey were coloring; Graysen brought me his picture. It was a large circle with two circle's inside, 2 lines coming off the big circle and then another set of little circles on the lines. Behind that drawing was a smaller circle and lines coming off of it. I asked him what he picture was and he told me that the big circle was me and pointed to my "glasses" and he even drew my Meme's (they were the circles on the lines, and the lines were arms and legs. The little drawing behind "me" was Maddox who was sitting on my lap. I placed this drawing inside his baby book and I am going to keep it forever!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Be kind to your teeth and they will be kind to you!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Graysen went to HIS Graceland!
This weekend we went away for the semi weekend. The we was: Graysen, Maddox, Marissa (I have known this woman for 10 years give or take, and she is 18 years older then me but we have a real friendship. She was there for me as a teenager when I just needed a friend to listen to me and now as a wife and mother when I just need someone to listen to me. She was my church youth group leader at one time, but we have always had a special friendship. She got married later in life, had her first and only child 4 years ago. ) Bella, and myself.
After the ride the kids got to have their picture and got up close to Thomas. Graysen cried not cause he was scared but cause he was so excited. He needed to spend an extra moment with him and told him he loved him and touched the train. I wanted to cry to see my little one so happy. That smile on his face will be burned into my memory.
It was a really fun weekend in general. Stayed in a hotel....Ordered room service.....swam in the pool...saw Thomas...and went to Great America! I am tired! My boys are exhausted! I am glad to be HOME..But it was a great time!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
It will always be a bittersweet time of year
There are times when it feels like she is still alive and I can pick up the phone to call her. There have been a few times when I have dialed that old familiar phone number and still after two years no one has it. There are times when the emptiness and pain of knowing she is gone is as raw and fresh as the day she died. And there is a guilt as I go on with my life where I don't think about her and it is like I never knew her at all. It is hard to think that I have the rest of my life without her. Or that Graysen and Maddox will never know her love for them. Will never hear her voice and passion as she prays for them or the soft shyness of her singing. Will never hear her potty mouth that made you laugh. Or will never play a April Fool's joke on her just to scare her. Or will never argue with her. Those are the same things that I will never get to do too.
It is true now that she is gone there isn't anyone who loves me enough cause she loved me more then anyone. I am grateful that I knew that love. That I was shown that love and I can love others with that same intensity no matter what they do, who they are, where there from.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Just got back from a pleasure trip: I took my mother-in-law to the airport
I had 5 wonderful years without ever having to deal with a mother in law and now I have to deal with her all the time! I thought when we let her back into our lives that it would be baby steps not seeing her every weekend! Well, I lie I don't have to see her every weekend BUT every Sunday that I work Bailey and the boys have breakfast with her and then go to the park. I do want my boys to have a relationship with her cause I loved my grandma and have many happy and cherished memories of her and the relationship we had. BUT my mother in law is not my sweet,loving, kind grandma she is a passive aggressive evil witch who wants to take my ruby slippers and lock me in a tower!
It all really started Thursday when she called to tell me that Bailey asked her out to dinner and that she wasn't feeling good but wanted to take us out to dinner tomorrow "even though I would be there" WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?? Even though I would be there...
Then this weekend Bailey's dad made a surprise trip down here and wanted us all to go out to dinner last night. WHICH WAS WEIRD cause Bay's dad and I had a failing out after I go upset with him for only seeing Graysen once and never seeing Maddox 2 Thanksgivings ago, Joe and Lori ( Bay's mom and dad) don't " get along" they are nice but it is this fake when is this over niceness. And Lori and I have a forced relationship. While at the restaurant waiting for Joe I told Maddox he couldn't have anymore chips cause he wouldn't eat his dinner and Lori kept giving them to him. And guess what Maddox only ate 3 bites of his dinner!!! Lori suggested that we order the boys food first both Bay and I told her that it wouldn't be a good idea cause then they would eat and be finished before everyone else and be ready to go. 5 mins after telling her this she calls the waitress over and tells her that we want to order the boys food. I then have to tell the waitress ''No Thank You" and explain to Lori again that I don't want them to eat first. Then after dinner we are standing outside and Lori tells Joe that her, Bailey, and the boys should come up there to see him! I turn around to look at her ok to give her a dirty back off look and she smiles this overly sweet smile and says oh to give Becca a weekend alone. I then tell her that I enjoy spending the weekend with MY family.
Bay thinks I am being overly sensitive to the whole thing maybe I am but I do know that every time I am talking to Bay she interrupts us to ask us what we are talking and then has to tell Bay something and every time that I tell my kids something she does the opposite of of I have told them. It makes me want to scream LISTEN BITCH THIS IS MY FAMILY YOU CAN'T OUT WIFE OR MOTHER THEM!" and then loosen the screws of her walker.
Ok maybe that was too much!?!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Breaking up is hard to do
This is how it started about the same time that we moved into our new place she found herself this new boyfriend. I really know nothing about him since I only met him once. Since they started dating she has spent every single moment of her time with him. She has only been here a few days since moving here. The month of April she didn't sleep here once. It has been a hard transition I feel like I am losing my best friend. She and I spent a lot time together and now that is gone...I feel used like she was only my friend cause she had no one else to hang out with. That hurts. It hurts me that she doesn't spend any time with the boys and they ask about her and ask to see her.
She is supposed to be out the first of July. It will be weird. I wonder how we will ever see her when we don't now and she still lives here....We had this little group of family that we had built and it is breaking...This is how it must feel when your children go off to college....
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
I hate the bank!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Thank you Nanci Griffith
Like my mother
One true love for my older years
I don’t want your wars
To take my children
I want a simple life…while I’m here
The sun and moon walk hand in hand together
Trading places shining on the truth
The moon moves the bottoms of the oceans
So, the sun can bring a farmer’s hands to you
We all seek comfort in the light of day
And our tears can wash off in the rainEverything we need is all around us
In simple time and simple ways
Mother nature talks
Whispering her thoughts
So the paths we choose to cross
Walk one more day
"She's gone with the man in the long black coat"
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Stand Up and Make a Change

Thursday, April 19, 2007
I know this special quite time is changing as you turn from baby to boy before my eyes
I know that when I am an old lady I will still hear the sounds of your lips in the dark
Your little naked body curled up next to mine breathing in sync
I know that when I am an old lady I will freeze under the covers but not from your toes that you race up my belly but from the wind that carries memories into eternity
When I am gone you will be an old man will you still remember that I cried when I looked down and saw you there peacefully sleeping not a care in the world knowing that your mommy was there?
And I think to myself
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Times they are a changing
Graysen and Maddox are growing and changing so much each day. I am truly blessed to be their mother. Even though I am worried and a bit stressed I would never change my life with anyone else's. And I am grateful to be me!!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
My life has changed!
We found a possible reason to why Maddox is not talking. His pedi thinks he may have an ear/hearing issue and we have to go and have all these tests done. It is such a relief to finally have an idea why he isn't talking as much as other children his age.
We moved! It was bittersweet. Leaving the home were we had became a family, celebrated so much...But we will have new memories and new creations at our new house!
Bay is having a mini melt down and wants to get some sort of new job. He is getting burnt out and this Monday will be a nice mini vacation for him.
I am pushing my self out of this funk that I had been going through. I have been feeling depressed, missing my grandma, there is this tension inside me that I can feel building and building. Maybe it is the lack of sex???